Friday, September 26, 2008
I forgot to mention one of the fish died Wednesday night. We still have 2 and they seem to be well. Wish me luck! Brenden never asked me where the third went too. Guess he didn't notice.
Worn out Friday
We are back from a trip to Little Rock. The boys go to a pediatrician there. We are loving it! Today was a well visit for Blaine. He also had to get some shots. I love the way they do shots in that office. Our clinic really needs to go take some lessons. At 15 months he is well aware when something hurts. He didn't cry from the shots! He got one in each leg at the same time. He never knew it. How great is that! At our clinic for his 12 month shots they did them in the arm and my dr just about had a fit. A child that age is not developed well for shots in the arms so we did a little research and our insurance pays for shots so we get them at the dr office now.
Last time at his well visit he was way low on his percentiles. It didn't bother me because I knew he would grow eventually and he does have lots of petite genes, so maybe he is going to be my short baby. Fine with me. He is cute and little. They grow too fast anyway why not stay small a little longer. Well he grew 4 inches in 3 months!!! So he shot up on his percentiles.
After the dr we went shopping. If you know us very well you know we love rummage sales. I just about had a fit on the way because we had to pass up 2. We were cutting it close on our time and just couldn't stop. On the way to Kohl's we see signs for 2 rummage sales! So there we go trying to find them. Woohoo! I love finding bargains.
We also took the boys to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. They had lots of fun and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. It does help to use a coupon! I am all about those!
Then off to find a halloween costume for Brenden. Poor Blaine gets hand me downs right now. We finally find what he wants at Target and while I was there we checked out some of the bedding I had found on their web page. I much rather see something like that in person before I order it. We did pick the third one in my previous post. It is much cuter in person than in the picture. He also got a lantern lamp. Too cute. We are done with his room. Whew that was easy! No painting or pictures or curtains! We had everything but the bedding! His Nana wants to get him a bear rug for Christmas. That will put the cherry on top of the cuteness.
I get a little giggle out of the thought of us on the way home. I said earlier we had to pass those 2 rummage sales on the way up. Well they were still out on the way home so we stopped! Hey I guess I am addicted. Somebody lead me to a support group or something.:o)
I am looking forward to spending tomorrow at home with the family. Just hanging out. Hope you enjoy your weekend also.
Last time at his well visit he was way low on his percentiles. It didn't bother me because I knew he would grow eventually and he does have lots of petite genes, so maybe he is going to be my short baby. Fine with me. He is cute and little. They grow too fast anyway why not stay small a little longer. Well he grew 4 inches in 3 months!!! So he shot up on his percentiles.
After the dr we went shopping. If you know us very well you know we love rummage sales. I just about had a fit on the way because we had to pass up 2. We were cutting it close on our time and just couldn't stop. On the way to Kohl's we see signs for 2 rummage sales! So there we go trying to find them. Woohoo! I love finding bargains.
We also took the boys to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. They had lots of fun and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. It does help to use a coupon! I am all about those!
Then off to find a halloween costume for Brenden. Poor Blaine gets hand me downs right now. We finally find what he wants at Target and while I was there we checked out some of the bedding I had found on their web page. I much rather see something like that in person before I order it. We did pick the third one in my previous post. It is much cuter in person than in the picture. He also got a lantern lamp. Too cute. We are done with his room. Whew that was easy! No painting or pictures or curtains! We had everything but the bedding! His Nana wants to get him a bear rug for Christmas. That will put the cherry on top of the cuteness.
I get a little giggle out of the thought of us on the way home. I said earlier we had to pass those 2 rummage sales on the way up. Well they were still out on the way home so we stopped! Hey I guess I am addicted. Somebody lead me to a support group or something.:o)
I am looking forward to spending tomorrow at home with the family. Just hanging out. Hope you enjoy your weekend also.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Masterpiece in the Making
Gwen Smith
Today's Truth
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you" (Philippians 1:6, AMP).
Friend to FriendIt took four years of fresco painting for the Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, to finish the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Commonly known as Michelangelo, his time painting was mostly spent alone, on his back, lying on scaffolding. (How painful!) The painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is one of the most remarkable in the history of Western art. One thing is for sure: the process that altered a ceiling from plain to fabulous required a lot of time, great discipline, and the hand of a master artist. The same is true for us. The journey from broken into beautiful is a lifelong transformation that requires both discipline and a Master Artist.
As Michelangelo was working, I'm sure that lots of people came through the corridors of the chapel and stood in amazement. As they looked up at the beauty of his work, I bet they said things like, "That is the most fantastic work of art I have ever seen!" or "Extraordinary!" To which he might have said, "It's not done!" But did the unfinished state of the project negate that parts of the ceiling were beautiful? No! The parts that were complete were still extravagant and breathtaking.
Maybe this is the way God and others see our lives. It's common for people to notice the work God has done in us and comment on the beauty. And even though compliments are nice to hear, I've been known to resist them. (Admit it, you probably have too.) It's not so much a humility thing as it is an "I-don't-see-myself-as-beautiful" thing. From my limited perspective, I can see only the unfinished work. But in truth, my vantage point doesn't negate the beauty of the work God has done and is doing in my life.
Real beauty isn't about a finished or flawless product. It can't be. It's not possible on this side of eternity to have completed beauty. Our restoration will be complete in the presence of God when we see Him face to face.
Now, you might be saying, "But Gwen, I can't be beautiful! You don't know what I've done...or what I've been through...or what I'm going through!"
Friend, God knows where you have been, what you have been through, and where you are now. He knows what your flaws are and loves you in spite of your imperfections. His tender love is far-reaching and complete.
Your past sins do not define you.
Your painful scars do not define you.
Your present sufferings do not define you.
They are just shards of brokenness that God will use to lovingly refine your beauty. The transformation from broken into beautiful is neither easy nor instantaneous. It demands a yielded heart and can be quite painful, but it comes with great reward. God will need your broken pieces--your scars, shame, insecurities, disappointments, betrayals, and failures.
Do you have some of those?
Are they tucked away in a safe, do-not-enter part of your heart?
You might find it hard to hand over hurts. I get that. It's hard for me too. But difficult as it may be, it's time to hand them over and let our masterful Lord create a stunning work of beauty in you. And He's going to need all of your broken pieces to complete the restoration.
Let's PrayHoly Father, I am humbled by Your willingness to love and forgive someone like me. Please take the broken pieces of my life and don't allow me to have them back. I surrender to Your healing. Mold me and shape me into a beautiful reflection of Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Gwen Smith
Today's Truth
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you" (Philippians 1:6, AMP).
Friend to FriendIt took four years of fresco painting for the Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, to finish the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Commonly known as Michelangelo, his time painting was mostly spent alone, on his back, lying on scaffolding. (How painful!) The painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is one of the most remarkable in the history of Western art. One thing is for sure: the process that altered a ceiling from plain to fabulous required a lot of time, great discipline, and the hand of a master artist. The same is true for us. The journey from broken into beautiful is a lifelong transformation that requires both discipline and a Master Artist.
As Michelangelo was working, I'm sure that lots of people came through the corridors of the chapel and stood in amazement. As they looked up at the beauty of his work, I bet they said things like, "That is the most fantastic work of art I have ever seen!" or "Extraordinary!" To which he might have said, "It's not done!" But did the unfinished state of the project negate that parts of the ceiling were beautiful? No! The parts that were complete were still extravagant and breathtaking.
Maybe this is the way God and others see our lives. It's common for people to notice the work God has done in us and comment on the beauty. And even though compliments are nice to hear, I've been known to resist them. (Admit it, you probably have too.) It's not so much a humility thing as it is an "I-don't-see-myself-as-beautiful" thing. From my limited perspective, I can see only the unfinished work. But in truth, my vantage point doesn't negate the beauty of the work God has done and is doing in my life.
Real beauty isn't about a finished or flawless product. It can't be. It's not possible on this side of eternity to have completed beauty. Our restoration will be complete in the presence of God when we see Him face to face.
Now, you might be saying, "But Gwen, I can't be beautiful! You don't know what I've done...or what I've been through...or what I'm going through!"
Friend, God knows where you have been, what you have been through, and where you are now. He knows what your flaws are and loves you in spite of your imperfections. His tender love is far-reaching and complete.
Your past sins do not define you.
Your painful scars do not define you.
Your present sufferings do not define you.
They are just shards of brokenness that God will use to lovingly refine your beauty. The transformation from broken into beautiful is neither easy nor instantaneous. It demands a yielded heart and can be quite painful, but it comes with great reward. God will need your broken pieces--your scars, shame, insecurities, disappointments, betrayals, and failures.
Do you have some of those?
Are they tucked away in a safe, do-not-enter part of your heart?
You might find it hard to hand over hurts. I get that. It's hard for me too. But difficult as it may be, it's time to hand them over and let our masterful Lord create a stunning work of beauty in you. And He's going to need all of your broken pieces to complete the restoration.
Let's PrayHoly Father, I am humbled by Your willingness to love and forgive someone like me. Please take the broken pieces of my life and don't allow me to have them back. I surrender to Your healing. Mold me and shape me into a beautiful reflection of Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Fair week.

This week is fair week. Last night we went to the parade and then to the fair. The boys had a blast. They both enjoyed all of the floats, tractors, trucks, and horses at the parade. Later at the fair we enjoyed the animals especially a big pig with lots of character. He was a hoot. We finally made it out to the rides and my shy quiet little Brenden took off and rode all the rides he could. He was screaming and giggling and having a blast. To top it off he rode by himself! That is stepping way out of his comfort zone especially when the workers had to help him out of a ride or buckle him I just knew he would scream or something but nothing but pure joy and excitement. I am sorry I didn't take my camera to the fair. I never dreamed he would have been so into it. He normally says no to everything. He rode rides that went up high and spun fast and one roller coaster. It was neat last night though because it was not very crowded and we got to really enjoy it. There were some rides he was the only one on. The people running them let him stay on longer because there was no line. Along with all of the animals and rides we played games. My little athlete showed them that he doesn't really need them to give extra chances because he would win with the ones we payed for, and surprise we get to bring it all home! So welcome the new addition to our house. Yep the little stinker won 3 fish. Oh well at least they don't eat much! We will see how long I can keep them alive. We visited a few of the booths inside and got a free smoke detector from the Selma fire dept. I thought that was neat. And Farm Bureau passed out free bags of rice so we colored ours to use for art projects. Lots of fun in the Brown house today!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is just some of the bedding I have been looking at for Blaine. He got his new bedroom suite in last week. I am having a hard time finding bedding. He is 15 months old so I don't want it to look to grown up but he is in a big bed now and I don't want it to look to babyish either. His room is painted hunter green on one wall and sage green on the other 3 walls with creamy white trim and doors. His room is decorated with deer, ducks, labs, bears, so basically a hunting lodge feel. We are planning on getting a bear rug to go on his floor. This is what I need help with. I like the bedding above and I need help choosing. If you don't like them say it and if you can find something better go for it and send me a message. Seriously. I will be waiting for comments. Please help!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Noah poga's birthday!
Happy Birthday to my 9 year old nephew. He and Brenden are two peas in a pod when they are together. He is such a sweet kid to play so well with a 3 year old. I know it can be challenging sometimes. Check out my sister's blog if you want to see more pics of him and a precious poem about him.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Happy Birthday to my sister.

Yep my dad and sister share the same day for their birthday. How cool is that! I don't think she could have gotten a better present for her birthday today. She finally got to go back home after the hurricane. I know this trip was exhausting mentally and emotionally for them but I am so glad for them that they did not suffer the loss of their home and they have a home to go back too. I think that is the best present she could get today. Happy birthday sis. I hope your day was wonderful.
Happy Birthday to my daddy.

I hope you had a good birthday! I love and appreciate who you are. Thank you dad for your time, love, and presence in our lives. Happy Birthday, I love you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Preach it sister!
Here is post my sister did today. I totally agree with this truth it is just really hard to swallow.
Hurricane Ike
My sister evacuated for the last hurricane and got nothing! No rain wind or anything because they were on the "good" side of the storm. This time they are not so lucky. They live in Port Arthur, Texas which is in Jefferson county. If you are watching the weather channel they are mentioning them very often. Not really a good thing if you are in the path of a hurricane. My sister and her family got here yesterday evening and are completely exhausted mentally and physically. They were just hit a few years ago by Rita pretty hard with a tree landing on their house and since then have had to evacuate numerous times. If you are keeping up with the hurricane you will hear that Port Arthur's seawall is built to withstand a 16 foot surge. It has not been tested for that so they don't know if it would hold up. Well with this storm they are predicting a 20 foot surge. You do the math. To top it off. Some genius in Bridge City thought they didn't need a seawall so they don't have one! They are also in the 20 foot surge zone. So Bridge City is really not going to fair well. Here is a link from the weather channel.
My husband has been put on standby to respond after the storm moves through. He didn't go with Katrina so he wants to go this time. We hope it is not that bad and he doesn't have to go for the people's sake down there. With the last hurricane he was on standby but didn't have to go so we hope for them it will be like that again.
My husband has been put on standby to respond after the storm moves through. He didn't go with Katrina so he wants to go this time. We hope it is not that bad and he doesn't have to go for the people's sake down there. With the last hurricane he was on standby but didn't have to go so we hope for them it will be like that again.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Awana started last week. Brenden was a busy little boy starting his Preschool 2 half days a week and Awana on Wed. night. He has yet to participate in game time but the rest he loves. He is so timid and does not like to do a lot of things with a crowd watching him. Hopefully all of this socialization will help him with that before tball season starts this spring. We are so proud of his hard work playing catch up since we had to miss the first night of getting books but he was so excited he memorized 4 verses to catch up and get his book, vest, and bag this week with the others. When he got home he was singing the scriptures he had learned to his own little tune! I cannot believe my sweet little boy is getting to do all of this. I waited so long to be a mom and be involved in all the activities. I think I am just as excited as he is. I have been so blessed to have the choice to stay home with both of my boys. I want them to socialize with other kids and that is why we are involved in all of these activities so he can be around other kids his age. It is the only chance he really has. I know he is only 3 but other kids that are in daycare or have older siblings have already started this. I just don't want him to have missed out on anything. I want both of my kids to have every opportunity and every experience they can, and I want to start this whole process of memorizing scripture now because I never did and now it is extremely hard for me to. Way too long of a post just to share our proud moment!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Garage Sale!!!!
In Western Pines
Saturday Sept. 6
There will be lots of baby stuff, furniture, clothes, tvs, ect...
I won't bother to put a time to start because it usually doesn't matter. We will just be ready for you!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I am officially...
a mom of a child in school. Brenden started Preschool this morning! He starts Awana Wednesday so we will have a busy week. Even though he knows his numbers and a lot of his letters we thought it would be good for him to get out of the house and play with other kids and have a teacher besides good ole mom. We are homeschooling on top of his already busy schedule but it only takes about 30 minutes and he loves it. I think he likes the one on one time with mom that has become a rare thing since baby brother was born.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Welcome the newest member of our family.
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